Tuesday, April 27, 2010

the small island

the past two weekends, PBS had aired a mini-series set against the backdrop of the World War II. i found it moving, romantic, endearing, intense, real, and so much more. Rarely do I react to all these emotions when watching a movie. I cried, of course. I laughed. I became frustrated. Hopeless I felt. I loved. In the end, all was okay, all was alright because in the end, man won. Man prevailed. In the end, the right man will do the right thing but still remain dignified, respected, show kindness, offer generosity, all without losing who he is. I let out a sigh of contentment. There were some quotes through the movie that really stood out to me. Got to me. I mean, it wasn't life altering... I didn't go out and save the world overnight... although the thought has already been running around in my mind for quite some time now, but just not going about it as doing it over night. Ha!

She heard the words that were spoken, but she could not bring herself to accept them. Because to do so, would mean accepting the truth. Realizing that any hopes and dreams of their future together would not come true. The pain of lost dreams is too much for any human soul to bear.

Some believe that destiny is the pre-determined path we travel down in life. Others claim that it is the rile of luck that changes us. If it is luck, then perhaps it lies not so much within us, but within our natures, on how we deal with the hand that we are dealt.

Oh! So poetic. So romantic. So intense. Although this series is based on a fictional novel (by Andrea Levy), I can't help but wonder that during that time period, something happened. That bits and pieces of this story happened. All in all, watch it. It will move you. Click here to watch a trailer from BBC networks. Even the trailer is simply divine... (it's the soundtrack).

PS- I'm not sure when the showing of the mini-series will be, but I'm pretty sure you'll have some way to watch it (hint: YOUTUBE).

cheerio my loves!

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