Friday, April 23, 2010

happy happy friday!

my loves! i know i am a little bit late with my Friday post but i was up and out the door early this morning and just NOW got home. I decided to treat myself to a little thrift shopping escapade, along with a nice lunch downtown and a little relaxation from my stressful week.

what i am about to share with you... i am a little hesitate because it was a real treat to come across it. but i can't contain the delightful deliciousness no more and will share with u my treause find. i came across a website, while blog browsing, a while ago and came across this. periodically Ming, whom is a Harvard grad, puts up recipes for cupcakes! and they're really good too! but wait! it doesn't stop there! not only are there sweet cupcakes, but there are savories receipes too! and cookies! i've already made and ate the red velvet ones (cupcake 4) and the banana cake with maple brown butter frosting (cupcake 6)! and ate three right away each time! so gooood! i'm planning on making the savory chedder scallion cupcakes and the homemade girl scout thin mints! i'm excited and also a little nervous because the outcome could go straight to my wasit line! i better watch out! especially with a wedding in June! lol. visit today to try one of the recipes. i gurantee, you'll be planning on making one of the delights soon!

have a great and relaxing weekends my dears and I'll see u bright and early Monday! till then, au vouir!

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