Monday, April 19, 2010

I'm back!

I know, I know, I know... It's been a while since I've created a post, and I apologize if I left any of you in the dark... I've just been, well, plain lazy and uninspired of late. But now I am ready, like Madonna sings, to get back in the grove. Here are a couple of things that have been in my thoughts lately...
coffee... I pretty much treat myself to a cup of coffee everyday... there are times where I go two to three days without my Joe and finally when I reunited with him again, I feel simple bliss. Because that's what coffee is to me... one of the most simple pleasures in life. Grande Soy Vanilla Latte please.

my lovely girlfriends... how i miss you. Not a day goes by where I don't think of u guys. Think about the lovely times we've shared, the tears we shed, the laugh we had and the bonds that we've built. It makes me sad that future memories are limited but I don't let that get me down. But soon, I shall see my lovely gal pals and the world will be a little bit better.

LOVE. All you need is love. All you have is love. Love is what makes the world go round. The greatest gift is love and to be loved. Enough said.

Of late, I have been wanting to explore and travel. I have two trips nailed down so far but I still can't stop thinking about other places to conquer and more adventures to create. Australia?! Spain? Norway???? Amsterdam??? DC? the Big Apple??? Once there I can't wait to snap away. I think that's a new hobby of mine... not really a passion or a version but more of a addiction of sorts, once u snap u can't stop. I guess you could say it's trying to capture the moment so that when you look back at your photo albums of your wonderful adventures you think, "man... that was fun".

Since moving, I've had the opportunity to do a make over with my bedroom but my space and $$ has been limited. I've been leaning towards neutral colors and palette but some color just pops right in. Isn't this garden wall paper lovely?? Wouldn't it be wonderful to wake up to this pretty room? Yes please!!

I'm obsessed with making an entrance AND exit. I don't know what it is, but I always notice people when they first enter a room OR leave a room! Does that make me weird?? Perhaps but I'm okay with that. Maybe I just notice the little things. There's something seductive, mysterious and utterly romantic when someone comes into a room that everyone in the room is capture by them... whether they're beautiful or not. And with me noticing this, I feel other people have my thoughts too... not down to the T but they too notice entrances and exits. So with that said, I love making an entrance AND making an exit. I would love doing both fashionably and breathtakingly noticeable! Like this lovely much is said through this simple gesture. Love!

Since getting my new bike, I've been trying my bestest to ride around as much as I can. Now that the weather has picked up and the sunny days are lasting longer, I now have an excuse to go get my mail, go to the local liqour store and pick up a QUICK PICK, and ride over to my mom's house all on my trusted custard yellow cruiser. It's lovely, it's gentle, it's fun and she's all mine... her name? Custard of course!! Because she's custard looking! The color that is! he he.

Well, that's all folks... I promise to keep blogging at least once a day. Have a lovely week and see ya at my next post!


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