Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I believe I mentioned in an earlier post of my need of wanting to travel. It's been tough given my current situation (mostly financial) but I am going to do my bestest of making it all work. In the mean time, to satisfty my traveling needs, I've been surfing. On the web that is. Living vi-curiously through other peoples travels is all I can do at the moment (hopefully that will change next month). There have been some awesome blogs that I just so happen to stumble upon but one that's really got my attention is Mina and Alex. They are so cute. They are young recently married couple from Canada who quit their jobs, sold their house, and ran away together to seek out adventures and make lasting memories by traveling the globe. I wish I had enough guts to do that... simply amazing and extremely jealous! You can visit their blog here. Below are just some of the pictures documenting their adventures! Happy travel blogging!

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