Tuesday, April 27, 2010

about me.

the sun is my earth. the beach? my playground. one that i don't want to leave, even if school is out.
i drink coffee everyday. it's my sweet sweet nutty love. perhaps my first love.

my relationship with my baby nephew is a love/hate one. mostly love. 99% love. he can melt my heart one moment and get my blood boiling the next. i'm still crazy about the booger.

i can never decide between savory richness or sweet decadence. pain au chocolat or Gruyere ham croissant?

photography is a beautiful way of capturing moments, because truthfully, life really goes by too fast. sometimes too fast for us to catch up.

purses? satchels? clutches?? messenger style? prada??? balenciaga city??????? you can never have enough.

finding the perfect pair of boots is like christmas morning all over again.

macaroons are simply divine. simply delicious. seriously, who invented this goodness? my favorite. pistachio.

who says scarves are made for the cold seasons. i wear them in the spring, during the summer nights. anytime i want.


i've read my fair share of books. emma? mr darcy?! can you make sense of my sensibility. can you eat, love and pray at the same time? is alice really in wonderland or is she just having a really bad and somewhat kinky dream? i'd love to try gummy raindrops, take a bite out of daffodil teacups, sip from chocolate streams and break a branch of sugary goodness, all while watching mini overly tanned green hair men endure labor that pays only minnimun wage. and all while singing too. there was once a witch, who lived in the wardrobe and she was mean and cruel and teased kids with turkish delights. she was trying to take over a place called narnia, but luckily she was stopped by a lion nameed aslan, two sons of adam, two daughters of eve, and oh yeah, jesus.

what's not to love about the authurian legend. personally, i'm obsessed with it. you've got romance, heroism, a wizard wielding his hand, not wand (cough cough, harry potter) with magic, ladies in waiting, knights in shining armour, a round table that symbolizes all that is good and white unicorns. but wait. let's not forget the 3 way love triangle of adultery by the mighty king, his faithful queen and loyal knight. also, there's this weird incest that happened between the king and his half sister who also happens to be a witch and his greatest enemy. and also, she gives birth to his son, who eventually is killed by his father, the king, but not before he wounds his king, so much, that he can never recover and both die. can you guess who is left dead in the holy grail and who is sailed into the gates of avalon? and i haven't even gotten to the good stuff yet! there's dragons that talk and eat people, trolls tricking royalty, a lady that lives on a magic lake, evil lurking in the woods with red capes, and the sword. notice how i introduced the item as the and not a. this is not your ordinary sword. this is not one that you can find at your local blacksmith or steal from other kingdoms. this is the sword. to even obtain it, you must be able to pull him out of a stone. and it doesn't let just anyone pull him out. he'll snub you. he'll deny you. he's a snob like that. you gotta be king. nothing less. and this sword can destroy anything or anyone that it's holder wishes to destroy. the sword was the true star/hero of this story.

i'm from southern california. it's in my blood. written in the stars. no beans, hold the rice. it's all meat. it's always been about the meat. how's it's marinated, grilled, and still sizzling, it's sliced up and down and then tossed together with some homemade salsa and if your lucky, avocado. jackpot lucky? guacamole. the good stuff, where chucks of the avocado is still in there. sometimes it's wrapped in a special warm toasted cocoon, and other times, it's simply laying there on a corn of goodness. if your not careful, the savory juices could sneak out and slowly run down your chin. almost taunting you that it's managed to escape. get it! but don't mop it away with a napkin. (that's a crime in most countries) swipe it back in with your tongue so that you can do that all over again. yes. this is mexican goodness at it's best. carna asada taco please.
forget snow angels. sand angels. and they can be done in bikinis.

i may be a girl but i'll still bust a fist if you go busting on my atlanta braves. anyone remember hank aaron? or that tomahawk cheer?
everywhere but the usa (why???! oh why?!) football, also know as soccer, is the biggest sport, obsession, following, religion of man kind. in england, they have street hooligan gangs representing the teams. in south america, they fight in the stands during the games! they really do! why? for kicks?! spain?? don't be naive. they may be cultured and gentile but they are as potty mouth as your next boston red sox fans. bossy as your new york knicks season ticket holder. they will out word you, out run you, tackle you before you can even put your beer down. they are for life and you best better remember that. germany? how serious are they? let's just say it's almost their second religion? how so? they've incorporated it into their biggest holiday of the year. oktoberfest! and the players aren't bad looking either.

i may not be a fashionista serving at some big house label or publication, but i'm still up to date. i know the trends. who's a do or don't. i subscribe to not one but TWO years to french vogue. i tiVo project runway. anna wintour: my mentor. stella mccartney: BFFs. vogue: my bible. barneys? it's on my daily route to work so i have to stop in and say hello, of course. versace: since 5th grade. emmanuelle alt: she's on my speed dial. #6. let's just say i love exploring the world of fashion i live vi-curiously through blogs, websites and magazines.

so what is all this? just a little something about me. almost like my documentary. by me.

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