Wednesday, February 24, 2010

----more of my favorite things------

Let's start shall we?
1. During college I became addicted to two movies. Now mind you, this was a little before I knew what youtube was or that I could watch TV shows and movies on line. Amelie was given to me as a birtdhay present from my college present. Prior to this, I've never seen it or heard, but after one viewing. I. LOVED. IT. After class, if I had 98 minutes to spare, I would pop this baby into my lap top and watch it either at home or at the library. Everything that this movie captured. Scenes of Paris, the music, the French words being spoken, the colors, (all so vivid, especially the reds), the characters and the message of happiness and how the most simple things in life are the best things in life. I became so obsessed with it that my roommate had to take it away from me for a week, to make me realize that there is life outside Amelie. (A couple of months after college, I had misplaced my copy of Amelie and was devastated. Being a recent college graduate I couldn't really afford to go out and buy a 25 dollar copy of this foreign film, so I told myself to wait until I could. Months and then years went by and I just never got around to buying myself a copy... until my roomie... best roomie in the world.... bought me a copy for my 27th birthday. As soon as I realized what it was, I made a date night with her and we watched it, and she loved the movie too. Not as much as I do, of course, but I just added another fan to this addicting Parisian confection of happiness)
2. Pride & Prejudice? I've always love the book. Movie adaptions of books, especially classic novels, can never do the book justice. There has always been something or someone missing, and it's such a waste. I've never even stuck around to watch part 2 of the BBC version with Colin Frith... just didn't feel right. But then came the Joe Wright version starring Keria Knightly and Matthew MacFayden. After sitting for two hours in a old theater in San Francisco's West Portal district, I was hooked. I came back, dragged friends, and watched the movie 9 more times. Crazy, right? Each time, I watched the movies, I noticed things that I didn't notice before, like when Elizabeth Bennet checked out Mr. Wickman ass in the ribbon shop or the last to final scene, when Mr. Darcy walks across the meadow to the Bennet's house and meets Elizabeth, the closer he gets to Elizabeth, the more the sun rises as if it's symbolizing a new beginning for the both of them.
Mr Darcy : you have betwiched me body and soul, and I love love love you. I wish to never be parted from you from this day on.
Come on! How !!!! is this?!! Truly one of my most favorite quotes ever.
3. Notebooks & Journals - during college instead of a calender or a planner like most college peeps, I wrote everything in a journal. I put down ideas, assignments, numbers, information in these mini "notebooks". After college and getting a full time job, I acquired a planner/calender so that i could keep up with job appointments/assignments and personal agendas. I've still quite attached having a journal in my bag, but it's evolved past late nights number (didn't have a phone back then) and English reading assignments. I jot down ideas, quotes, places, cities than I would love to visit, receipes, intimate thoughts... just anything worth writing down, which is pretty much everything.
4. A litte over two years ago, I started collecting buttons. It didn't start out as collecting at first though. Clothing that I had bought often came with extra buttons, in case the one already attached came off and went missing, we would have a spare. I didn't really have a need for the buttons, because they never went missing. They were shiny and new, and I didn't want to throw them away, so I stored in this jar. That jar contains about two years of button keeping. Buttons are just one of those things that I don't really have a need for. I'm not sewer, I don't use them in collages nor do I have any use for them but to place them in this jam jar. But everytime I look at it or put a new button it, I have this moment that these buttons are all mine and that one day, this will be full. That's a great feeling.
5. Not only is lip balm one of my most favorite things in the world, it's also one of the things that I can't live without. When I reach in for that lip balm and come out empty handed, I feel lost. Bare. Like something has been taken from me. I. AM. DOOMED. That's why I am constantly buying them and storing them away. In my car, my purse, my make-up bag, on my nightstand, in my nightstand, in the bathroom, in my drawer at work. I don't wear lipstick. No lipgloss. I never even bought lipliner. It's always been about the chapstick.
6. Plaid...particularly in flannel fabric. My girlfriends don't know how to react with my plaid love nor do they know the origins. I don't even know why I'm obsessed with plaid. And, I don't even know how it started. I never wore it while growing up. I never had a piece of clothing that was plaid/flannel that had signicant to me... so what's up with that? The fact of the matter is, I am all about the plaid. For my 27th birthday party, my theme was cupcakes and PLAID. Enough said.
PS - I will admit, I do have a secret fascination with anything rugged. Plaid's connection to rugged, from my perspective, is rugged mountain men wearing plaid and working out there, doing rugged things and doing 'man" things and being a "real" man. See the connection here??
7. Hoodies/Sweatshirts - my oldest one is dated back to 1998.. when I was junior in high school. I'm a simple girl who likes her occasionally Prada and Balenciaga, but through and through, I'm quite simple with my wardrobe. I love throwing on a hoodie that will keep me warm and having the option of a hood top to hide under is even better. There's something very comforting and relaxing about a sweat shirt. Whether it's vintage or a sweater you wore during PE class in high school, or if it's a zip up or a simple classic pullover, a sweat shirt is a staple in everyone's closet that we can all call a favorite.
8. Coffee... need I say more? Sure, I like tea. I drink frappacinos. Sure, I'll order a smoothie with some energy powder. I'll even admit to indulging in the occasional Red Bull drink for a quick pick me up. But let's face it, you can't start your day wrong with a Grande hot, smooth foaming latte. I'm not much of a regular cup of joe gal. I confess : I like fancy coffee. I like the steamed milk mixed with that strong bold dark bitter espresso drip. I like the foam and the aftermath that is left on my upper lip when I take a timid but eagered sip. I even like that occasional caramel or vanilla shot mixed into that heavenly froth. This cup of love is one of my favorite things in life because it's one of the mostt simpliest things in life. This java sensation is like a comfort that I know I can count on when I put in my order. Whether it's starting my morning off or walking down the street to give my mind a break from a hectic day or just simply having a cup, having one always makes me feel good. It doesn't make things right but in that moment when I'm enjoying that milky espresso, I'm okay.

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