Sunday, February 21, 2010

Jane Austen's Persuasion

QUOTE: You have pierced my soul. Half agony, half hope; unjust I may have been, weak and resentful I have been but never in constant. I offer myself to you again with a heart even more your own than when you almost broke it 8 years ago. I have loved none but you. You alone have brought me to Bathe, and for you alone I think and plan. I can hardly write. I most go, uncertain of my faith. A word, a look would be enough...tell me that I am not too late. That such precious feelings have not gone forever.
-Captain Wentwroth
A line from the novel Persuasion by Jane Austen.

I'm obsessed with all of Miss Austen's novels, espeically Persuasion. There's something about her novels that makes me get all mushy inside. I can't help but being wanted to get swept away to a time when romance was really romance. The words, the clothes, the emotions, the whole era gets me giddy.
As for the film version, I think they done quite a good job of respecting the novels. I have a particular spot for Pride and Prejudice, and unfortunately, by stating this I fear much of your wrath, but I am quite fond of the P & P version with Keria Knightly more than the P & P version with Colin Frith. Actually, all the version that have aired on PBS are quite good, especially Persuasion. So romantic!

Do you have any Austen novels or films that you are fond of? Or how about other, authors? Charlotte Bronte? John Hardy?

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