Tuesday, March 2, 2010

i'm so excited! and i just can't hide it!

So I'll be on the road again after Paris fashion week. I've been busy busy busy busy like a busy bumbling bee with school applications, studying for liFe altering tests, blogging, fashion week, baby stories, setting up a new life in Sunny Diego and other life things... but it's all worth it... because I know in the end, everything will be okay. It may seem a lot at the moment and that thoughts of what am i doing with my life and if I can handle all the madness that's going on may be running through my head over and over again... and I didn't even push the repeat button. But that's me for you... I tend to over worry, over analyze and over step my boundaries... sometimes I wonder if I even have a limit!

But... despite all the chaos, I am looking forward to a mini vacation... to a place that I call my second home... a very close second behind my first (SD). I'll be visiting friends and love ones in the city by the bay in two weeks and I'm SUPER DUPER excited! I can't wait! I can't wait for taco runs, dive bars hopping, coffee shops talks with girlfriends... HAPPY HOUR (people in SF take their HH very seriously, like no others) late night girl chats, muni (bus) transferring and of course...saving the best for last... bacon wrapped hot dogs. SO GOOD. I will be sure to take pictures while I am up there.

SAN FRANCISCO... here I come!

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