Friday, December 30, 2011

New Style Crush ~ Jessica Alba

Ever since having her second girl, Jessica Alba's style has sky rocketed, in my personal opinion. It's low key, but still chic and trendy and always seems to be so effortless. Maybe I should have a kid and my style will POP!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Current Style Crush

What's not to love about this outfit... from the Isabel Marant Indigo skinnies, to the Westwood pirate boots to that vintage sheep faux fur jean jacket... Love it all.

Happy Holidays

It's been a while my friends... but I am back... for those that are reading and occasionally cruise over to see if I have updated my blog, well, thank you for being so patient. It's been tiring these past few months. I don't know how people do it... those who work and are in grad school at the same time. It's so much work and energy. Mad BIG props to you!

This is just a mini hello... HAPPY HOLIDAYS. I will try and pop in here and there before the new year, but this is the time of year to be extremely thankful of all that you have. Prior to the holiday season, I was dreading all the chaos and hoopla that comes with this time of year. But as the days closed in on Christmas, I realized this is my favorite time of year. The music, the lights, the crispness of the air, seeing my family in one room, the bareness of the trees and the colors of the leaves that have fallen to the ground. I was nervous about how expensive this holiday season was going to be. I have worked in over a year and with school expenses and a bit of traveling during the summer, my funds were extremely low. But somehow... in some miraculous way, I somehow managed to make it through Christmas day. I guess what I am trying to convey is that Christmas itself isn't just about the material things (although they sure are pretty to hold and receive) it's truly about spending time with family and friends and living with the spirit of this holiday season. Hopefully by next Christmas, I will have a steady income with a job and have even more to be thankful for. To those out there, happy holidays and here's to another Christmas gone by, and making it through to another year.

Always Believe...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

U better Beeeeelizzze it!

Belize is an amazing and beautiful place. The people are very laid back, down to earth and lovely. Truly lovely. While there, time seem not to matter.

"What time is it??" asks my roommate.
"Umm, I don't know..." I replied.
"Good enough for me", says roomie.

That short conversation pretty much summed up our time in Belize. As short as it was, time did not exist. And for a while it was great until the 5th and 6th day... at that point, I was ready to move on to my next country.

The history of Belize is long and it hasn't been easy. Despite being one of the pricer countries to visit in Central America, the local people don't see much of that profit. A good day's wage for Belizians is $10.00 US dollars. Not that much. And although times are tough, and speaking to a local guide, he mention the season has been slow and not much tourists have been coming into Belize.

There's something to been said and remember about this trip. It makes you appreciate what you took for granted or forgot. Living in a first or even second world country brings to light what you thought was always there. Clean water, minn wage, civil and labor rights and everything that our countries have fought for in the past, is something that countries like Belize, Guatemala and Honduras are still fighting to gain. This experience has also humble me in a lot of ways and see the bigger picture.

Words of wisdom to those that are reading this out there (which are probably not that many) travel! Travel the world... it will leave a last impact, more than you ever that.

Friday, July 15, 2011

it's the people

For me, it's the people. The people that you meet in life. Whether it's a short relationship, a quick hand shake with a polite hello, or the friendships that last a lifetime, they add up to who we are. They don't necessarily define us as a person because we meet so many people in one lifetime, but they do help shape who we strive to be. That's the thing about traveling... u meet so many people along they way that you don't realize how they effect you until you leave them. That's what happened to me this summer. The summer of 2011, the summer that made me realize something about myself. I'm still hungry, for more. I want to see more, I want to taste more, I want to feel more and that there is so much more to life than what is before our eyes. I was fortunate enough to do a bit of traveling this summer and I saw some amazing things along the way and had some amazing experiences also. But for me, it was the people that I met. I don't know what the future may hold for us or if our paths will ever cross again. I sure hope so, because I shared this experience with them and no one else and that is something that we will all take along with us as life goes on. I was lucky to have met everyone that I met along the way. It will be a summer that I won't anytime soon, if ever.

Friday, January 7, 2011


Today's craving is a Japanses Kakigoori. Yum.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year's Resolution

It's been since August that's I've last posted. Good lordy that's a long time. With work, travelling and school, I've been on a Mary Whirl-Pool kind of spin since my last post. And even then I was rarely blogging. I apologize for the lack of post, but sometimes you just need a break and once that break is over, you roll right back in. So I promise, as my new year's resolution, i will blog more. See u bright and early tomorrow!