Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy Holidays

It's been a while my friends... but I am back... for those that are reading and occasionally cruise over to see if I have updated my blog, well, thank you for being so patient. It's been tiring these past few months. I don't know how people do it... those who work and are in grad school at the same time. It's so much work and energy. Mad BIG props to you!

This is just a mini hello... HAPPY HOLIDAYS. I will try and pop in here and there before the new year, but this is the time of year to be extremely thankful of all that you have. Prior to the holiday season, I was dreading all the chaos and hoopla that comes with this time of year. But as the days closed in on Christmas, I realized this is my favorite time of year. The music, the lights, the crispness of the air, seeing my family in one room, the bareness of the trees and the colors of the leaves that have fallen to the ground. I was nervous about how expensive this holiday season was going to be. I have worked in over a year and with school expenses and a bit of traveling during the summer, my funds were extremely low. But somehow... in some miraculous way, I somehow managed to make it through Christmas day. I guess what I am trying to convey is that Christmas itself isn't just about the material things (although they sure are pretty to hold and receive) it's truly about spending time with family and friends and living with the spirit of this holiday season. Hopefully by next Christmas, I will have a steady income with a job and have even more to be thankful for. To those out there, happy holidays and here's to another Christmas gone by, and making it through to another year.

Always Believe...

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